Friday, October 08, 2004

one sick kitty...

so, im sick. and not just the snivels...fullout sinus-infection-headcold-bodyaches-quitsmokingsweats sick. the kind of sick you dont want to be when you are in a hotel with two roomates and the nearest available food is from a sandwich shop called roly poly(no kidding.)
i have already ordered two ten dollar movies from my tv because i have finished my book and i cant look at my hotel popcorn ceiling ANYMORE. i would get dressed and venture out for a "sick walk" (the slow shuffle you take around the block in your sweats because you MUST get out of the house if only for a few minutes) however-unlike a regular job where there is very little chance of running into a co-worker or your boss after calling in sick, i travel in a pack of close to fifty people. they are all in this hotel. thats fifty chances to hear, "hey, i thought you were sick..."
there is so much pressure in my head the backs of my eyes hurt. i feel like a five year old who just wants to be sent home from school. unfortunately, my home is a minimum 4 hour flight away. oh well, i guess i will just die here. this is what you get for quitting smoking. everybody remember jerry garcia? they swore he died because he tried to clean up but his body was just so used to the drugs. he went into shock and DIED! (and they say ciggs kill) im ready to kill the person who invented the popcorn ceiling. at least i understand why i have been feeling down this week. i hope the end is painless and comes quickly....
just kidding-enstead i will be left with a nagging, painful cough that will linger for a few weeks and life will go on. sigh....
sickness allows you to be dramatic, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen, (or should i say Ms. Garcia) i so hope you are feeling better! I'm so w/ ya on the sick thng... I'm so sick of being in my room i could die..And thats coming from a girl who has been on loratabs all week.... If i could i would send you some meds to at least make the ceiling tolerable.....or a trench coat and a hat..(for when you sneak walks outside)... .take care of yourself, call me if you start feeling crazy..Jessie

2:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I think what killed Jerry was the steady diet of chili dogs. Hope you're feeling better today, kid. I miss you.

2:37 PM  

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