Monday, September 27, 2004

looking at life through a window

so, im posting this picture from last year in honor of us getting our bus today. we have been flying everywhere for a few weeks, and we finally got our bus. we will live on this bus for the next two and a half months. (figuratively) we are usually up at six and on the bus all day to get to the next city. last year as we were pulling into augusta, ga our driver wayne took a didnt work out. as he tried to back up the exhaust pipe bit a hole in the asphalt three inches deep. there was no escape. we had to unload and haul everything the rest of the way to our hotel!!!!! (most of us are carrying roughly 80-100 pounds through all of our personal stuff)
tour puts your real life into suspended animation. somewhere, my real life is waiting. right now its just play.
so, here's to life through a window. you can see it all, but you are not really a part of any of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always feel as though my life is waiting for me, who knows what I am going to be when I grow up, and exactly how old do you have to be before you are considered grown up????? Sethly

8:22 AM  

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