Thursday, May 12, 2005

im not crazy (just special...)

so, i began writing this blog when i realized i desperately needed to add a disclaimer. as i wrote my disclaimer i realized i needed a disclaimer for the disclaimer (still with me?) so here we go

SECONDARY DISCLAIMER: i realize that nothing i can write at this point is going to sound right so i just want to say i recognize im fucked. my disclaimer just sounds wrong and i am aware.

DISCLAIMER FOR THIS BLOG: i dont sexually fantasize at work. i mean it would be really innapropriate considering what i do. but i do daydream sometimes. i cant help it. people are snoozing and out a bit and DAYdream. okay, well once in a great while my daydream might stray into things of a sexual nature. but i try to catch myself and stop-i swear! because when you are massaging (professionally!) and your thoughts stray, well, it comes through in your touch. not that you start touching the client, well i mean-you are-but not in innapropriate places. but you just are touching with a different kind of thought in your head and you can feel the differences and its just not a good idea. and there is only one time i can think of where i was having dirty thoughts about a client-but im pretty sure it was mutual. oh dear....

so, i got to be reminded today of the funny way life can work sometimes. how there are instances when you "put out a call" so to speak and get some kind of answer, even if its far off from your intention. someone named mike crossed my blog and left a message, so i went to check his blog out. why this is interesting is because my fantasy man of choice lately has been michael vartan from alias. i daydream about him (and being a cool spy in a post-germ warfare world that has wiped out much of the population) when i have a client who dozes off. (its amazing how long one hour can feel on certain days.) it helps pass the time. and michael (vartan) is french-which is only interesting here because "mike" is french (and only a third gay-thats not even bisexual:) im not being kooky here-i just think its funny that for the last few weeks ive been thinking of a french michael, and one pops up. thats all.
now that i have moved on back to the X-files, i will be back to david duchovny (and being a cool agent in a post-the aliens have landed and we all live in danger-world.
i think an active amagination is a healthy thing. boring thoughts make for boring people. and speaking of the french-when i was in paris NO ONE was rude, or smelly, or obnoxious to me. maybe they recognized the 1/4 french part of me (or maybe!!!!-they saw that i was a girl waking up with amnesia in a foreign land, not knowing that the secret to clean, sustainable energy was hidden in a compartment in my suitcase and i had erased my memory until my partner could come find me-hopefully before the russians!!!) um.....okay-nough of that.
not much else to report....
oh, sweet man is being, well, somewhat sweet again. (no worries jessie! this girl has learned her lesson about drunkedy-drunks)
i guess tweety flew the coop. its a shame-i believed that somehow in this hard cynical world, a drunk and a stripper could find love and make it work.


Blogger anexcitingpatient said...

thank god you dodged the bullet with sweet man.

7:27 PM  

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