its the final countdown...(dadadada...dadadadada....)
here it is-months of waiting have come to this. its new years, i have to go to court on friday, and then seek new employment on monday (after my dentist appointment of course.) way to start the new year! at this rate, by years end i'll probably be in juarez making corn husk dolls to sell to tourists and living on unprepared jello. (sigh)
i wish tonight i was in vegas. with my family-my girls who i have spent so many a holiday with. there is no place like vegas, and for the bad rap i give her-it is my childhood, my life both good and terrible. both of my parents came to vegas as tiny children, my mom was only 2 i think. we still own the home my great-grandmother bought in the late 40's. its a convenient drive away from all the new downtown bars that have sprung up recently. i always say it sucked to grow up there, but maybe suck is the wrong word. it was just so different. i used to ditch jr high and go walk around fremont street. no one would ever say shit to a kid there because it was assumed your mom or dad were in a nearby casino losing your college education. where there is now massive over-development, i used to go out shooting. it was desert for miles. my dad would set out milk jugs and stuff like that and hand me the shotgun. i loved to go to bonniesprings, and red rock (not the casino.) going to lake mead might of well as been the ocean. the streets would flood during the heavy summer rains, and all the kids would go play in it. (there was even the urban legend about the one kid who got swept under a car and drowned but i don't think it was ever substaniated.) i feel so much nostalgia.
i was asked yesterday if i would ever move back and i answered 99.9% NO.
but...i have learned that life can change as quickly as you take a breath. i have lived enough lives in just 30 (ahem-31) years to know that. so i understand there are no diffinitives. and vegas will always be my home. however, if i appear to go missing for awhile feel free to stop by juarez and offer me a hot meal.