Tuesday, February 22, 2005

longest goodbye

i feel like a six year old, crying. like if i say "no, no, no...." enough times it will change things-provide a different outcome. but its real, and it wont change. it was always meant to go this way and took me just this long to come to to this moment and see it. im trying to accept it, with peace and with grace. but all i want to do is scream, and cry, "its not fair, its not fair." there is no happy ending, my knight isnt coming. there is no 12 hour reprieve. there are none so blind as those that will not see-has a truer statement ever been said? so right now, i cry because of my refusal to see-for him, it was just never me. i kept waiting for the grand gesture, foolish and full of faith in something that already died. i did it all to myself, there is no one to blame. this is my mind, but my heart, oh its breaking and trying to save itself and yelling at me to cover my eyes-its not to late, stay in denial, theres a chance there-but on the other side of this moment there is nothing but yourself and a lost dream. my heart is six right now and its begging me to stop. but my mind is 28 and its crying too, but still sees the need to be wiser, to let go. letting go doesnt free me, it shatters me.

Friday, February 18, 2005

stretch leopard print and dental plan possibilities

so, im not really in the mood to write but i dont want to fall into a dry spell so i am going to freewrite and force myself this may not be good uummmm okay there is a girl in one of my classes who wears stretch leopard print she sits in front of me so when she breathes i kind of let my eyes "draze" out a bit and it looks like a small strange animal in front of me im really tired right now i guess getting used to being so busy again they just offered me full time too! so i have to figure if i can handle 13 more hours of work somewhere in my life but if i can aaaah the oh so coveted (by me anyway) dental plan. no more silver tooth no more currently forming cavities no more old weak fillings i only have to kick my own ass voluntarily for three months-get the good dental lovin' and when i get into the surg program (not if, because failure is not an option hahaha) i will have to cut back to part time anyway. can i do it? of course-i can do anything. i used to work from 6 to 230, school from 4-9, and pot till 1 or 2. (sure i cried every morning out of sheer exhaustion but hey.....) i dont know-im back and forth. part of me (the gentle non-extremist part) says-no girl, dont do that to yourself-can you say-NO LIFE?
the other part dreams of new fillings, the ability to chew in the back of my mouth, ice, ect. i bought a few books today that i read a long time ago during a rough patch and picking them up was like visiting old friends that were there for me during a bad time-its weird i feel good just to have them. eeeeeh
what else? oooh-i was called a "massage goddess!!!!!!" yesterday! i dont think i have evr recieved quite so cool a compliment. its not every day you get called a goddess, of any type, so i was quite flattered. i am loving working....its calms my mind down and i start seeing the pages im trying to study from school in my mind. i think i may have a bit of a photographic memory because im acually seeing the pages themselves in my head. maybe thats why tests seem easy. okay-i gave it my best effort i really cannot write anymore without getting too deep for right now. (mich, i dont want to hear it! no deepness right now!) its enough that its all in my head without getting smeared all over this page. i may hate myself in the morning....

Monday, February 14, 2005

movie moments..

so, a silly little blog of my movie moment fantasies. (that being, things i wish would happen in my life but only occur in movies.)(in no particular order...)
1. the kiss in the rain-aaah, it always looks soooo good.

2. that great, open-palm smack across the cheek of some guy who really deserves it
(note-he would also never slap you back...)

3. that cool-ass defensive driving that someday i would acually love to take lessons for. spinning out, 180's, 360's-you get the point

4. getting really pissed and breaking everything. (that is what acually birthed this blog-the longing i had to smash a glass i was holding and realizing there was no cleanup crew, and if i did it-i'd be picking up the pieces. this is something i really want to do on a regular basis, and not out of anger-its something else...

5. really being able to kick ass if i had to.

6. always having the perfect, witty comeback. i pull this off once in a while, but more often it comes to me when im trying to fall asleep, "damnit!! thats what i should have said!"

7. helping a pregnant woman deliver in an elevator/airplane/desrted island, etc.
i just want to know i can handle it.

8. being able to roll over seamlessly during sex, without everything "coming apart"

9. (um, size 2 body combined w/ ability to live on enchiladas.)

10. running into first love, and having beautiful walk down the memory trail.

11. hair-free, no tan-lines, no roots

i guess thats all for now. anyone want to share yours???

v.d. and other miracles

so, in 1984 a young woman in kansas was crossing the street. she was hit by a drunk driver and became comatose from her injuries. i dont believe she was breathing-assisted which is perhaps why her family didnt have to make a choice about whether or not to let her live. in any case, this week her mother got a call she had waited 20 years for. her daughter woke up. and, she is not a veggie. she is talking, coherently. she is beginning to remember. the man who hit her served a six month sentence-her family served twenty. but, they got her back. there is no rational explanantion. she just "came back." where did she go? what did i learn from this?
never, ever lose faith. never give up. dont lose your sense of awe about this world and the way it works. there are things that will never have an explanation, and thats okay. when you feel you have reached your end, find it somehow to be a new beginning. when i heard this today i was filled with wonder and joy. its making me rethink having jess inject air bubbles into my iv drip if it ever comes to that. :)
a smaller scale miracle-but oh-so-important to me-two days ago i was driving to work, taking a path i never take. in a vacant lot i saw a girl walking her dog and i barely had enough control to pull over. her back was facing me but i would have known her anywhere. i call her lars. i met her when i was thirteen and locked up in a phsyc. ward. she was (and still is) one of the coolest people amaginable. we fell away from each for years, then i found her at a party when i was 21. we got close again-then life and circumstance pulled us apart again. then to see her just walking down the street-i wanted to cry! i have missed her so much and i love her so much....when i hugged her i just didnt want to let go. i told her we are obviously meant to be in each others lives. i went and hung out with her. she is so happy, and im happy for her. she's just so special-she deserves every good thing. on the phone later, i asked her what she had been up to that day and she said, "oh, you know-v.d. stuff i had to deal with."
"venereal disease?"
"aaaaah, no-valentines day."
she is so funny. knowing her is a blessing-and now i have her back in my life.
tonight, my mom and i watched a movie-the notebook. romantic, lovely movie. after, both of us were kind of crying (hey, its a sad movie, and we are both saps!)
i went over to hug her, and i dont know how or why this kind of thing happens; im just open, there is no other way to put it. i felt what she was feeling when we hugged and i couldnt breathe. so much pain, she wanted to scream. i took it all in, and when i backed away i felt like i would fall down. it was strong i had both hands cupped over my mouth because i felt like my mothers scream would come out of me. it took me a moment to catch my breath, and when i did i asked her, "do you always hurt that much, are you always feeling like that?" she gave me an odd look, and i had to explain what i felt when i hugged her. and then she shut off. she doesnt want to burden me with her pain. thats the most i have ever witnessed it. i dont think she will ever ger over her husband dying, leaving her so early in life. i hate to think of her being alone-in the scheme of it all she is so young. too young to spend the rest of her life alone. it breaks my heart. then i thought of the woman who woke up and i remembered-dont ever lose faith no matter what. that last card has yet to be dealt, for all of us. happy valentines day-i love you.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

"i gotta peaceful, easy feeling..."

so, im so peaceful right now. aaaaaaaaahhhhh....
i just read back over several of my blogs for the last two months, and some part of myself is giggling while another sighs and shakes her head. i ask myself, "honestly, do you always have to take it to the extreme? always?" its amazing, because as truly fucked up as i felt two weeks ago-im totally back on track now. i told jess we were pulling out of it...back at work, back at school. im just like a little kid if i dont have something to occupy me and keep me busy-i get in trouble! so far im doing great in school. ive had four tests in different classes and got 98% or higher on all. (always been a good tester-ive got the great short term memory.)back at the lovely spa. although i did have a crazy reaction there my first day back.i was doing my first massage of the day and i felt myself becoming so, so sad-for no reason. it took me a few hours to figure out. "they" say that the sense of smell creates the strongest emotional reactions. well, the period that i worked in that spa before i went out on the road was one of the worst times in my life. i was severely depressed. i had stoppped eating so i always felt tired, and whenever i didnt have a massage i would go in my room (at work) and bury my face in the sheets and cry. this went on for three very long months. so i realized that all the spa products are the same-the lotions, the hand sanitizer, the detergent for the sheets-and all these scents just totally took me right back to that place in time. once i figured out what it was i was fine-im in a totally different place now. but for a moment it was really weird. like a year and a half of my life disapeared and i was droppped right where i left off. i had never been anywhere, or seen anything-i had always been there stuck in that very awful moment.
but now-its a happy place for me. its getting me to bed early, its working my hands again. my thumbs were sore last night and it made me so happy. like how after really good sex you can be sore, but still enjoy the sensation of it because of what it represents. yeah, just like that. i do love massage so much-which is why i dont want it to be my source of income. i end up getting bored or irritated with everything i have to do for money which is why im back in school. i dont want to end up hating massage. now that its boring tales of school and work-(like i forecasted...)-i think i might start telling old stories on this blog. i keep getting people saying i need to write more, about my life, my past-my history. we will see if i can get motivated to do this. i could tell you about the time i ran away when i was 14, or about a crazy hungarian woman i lived with, being a welfare druggie in n. california, or a repressed married young woman in Prague. or maybe my dreams....like last night, being in my dream house that was acually built around an oak tree, so you could either take the stairs or climb the tree to the upper floors. maybe i wont preface whether a story is a dream or truly part of my past-then its up to the reader to decide. kind of like that cheesy show on the sci-fi channel-"fact or fiction"
my absolute favorite song of the moment is learning to fly by pink floyd. "...cant keep my eyes from the circling skies, tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, i...."

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

grecian sunset Posted by Hello

by request:Pirgaki

note-this is my first essay for colledge. it may be boring, im only putting it up because a few people asked to read it. im not allowing comments on this post because i feel kind of shy about it. the only important message here is freedom.
How do I begin to write about one of the most significant events in my life? When I look back on that time it’s as if I’m watching an old movie of someone else’s life. Yet, the memory is so clear, so defined that I know it belongs to me. I had to go halfway around the world and get lost in a foreign land to find myself, to accept a truth that had been begging for recognition.
My husband and I were driving through a cornfield on the island of Naxos in Greece. We were lost. Earlier in the day we had set out to find a remote beach, Pirgaki, which we had heard about from a native. Our previous two weeks in Greece had taught us that street signs and landmarks are for the most part nonexistent on the islands, so I wasn’t really surprised to find ourselves in this situation. I was just tired. Our “vacation” was in fact a thinly disguised attempt for Matt to hold me. He had tried to instill in me a great sense of fear about the world to bind me to him but it was wearing thin. He felt me pulling away as what started as the faintest whisper within myself had become a nearly incessant scream. We had been arguing earlier, but now we were both silent. The only sound was that of the corn stalks hitting the sides of the car as we pulled through.
Finally, a dirt road appeared and within five minutes we were on the beach. It was within a half hour of sunset and the beach was deserted. We were the only ones there.
In Greece, dogs run wild everywhere and seem to belong to no one. There were a few running around on the beach and Matt didn’t want to leave the car. He lacked faith; I had already learned that all the dogs were either friendly or indifferent and they wouldn’t harm me. I was suffocating in the car and rather than argue more, I got out of the car and ran away. If I had stayed he would have said that we had to leave. If I would’ve left, I could’ve missed everything.
I ran about twenty feet, then stopped and took my shoes off. The dogs had come to greet me. I petted them absently for a few minutes, and then continued to walk on along the beach. The sand was still warm from a day of sunshine; it was golden powder under my bare feet. The Aegean Sea has the clearest, most beautiful blue water I have seen anywhere. Earlier that day I had been swimming on another beach; as I walked out until the water hit my lips I could still see my toes wiggling in the clear water below me. Suddenly, my body found the spot it was looking for. I sank down into the sand. I looked out over the quiet ocean and unto the most beautiful sunset imaginable. The blue of the sky met the ocean in an almost indistinguishable match of vibrant color. As the pink, purple, and golden streaks began to move across the sky and deepen in shade, they were a mirror reflection across the surface of the water. It was a living painting in front of me.
It was such a peaceful moment. A silent prayer instantly formed in my mind that Matt’s fear of dogs would keep him in the car and away from me. I pictured a scene from the movie “Cujo,” Matt trapped in the car terrified, and I started giggling. My giggles turned into tears as I realized the sadness of the situation. “I’m on a romantic, three week getaway and my only wish is that he will leave me alone.” Then, the thought I had been pushing away since the day we arrived forced through to my consciousness.
“I wish I was here with someone I really love.”
It literally felt as if the entire world stopped at that moment. I couldn’t even breathe. My tears had stopped. I closed my eyes for a moment and forced myself to breathe. With my eyes still closed, I began to listen. In front of me I could hear the waves in their gentle, irregular pattern washing up on the sand and then slipping away. To my right I could hear the wind rustling the branches of the trees. Behind me and to the left I heard bells and a soft scuttling noise. “Goats,” my mind said. It sounded like someone else’s voice inside my head so I listened deeper. I could hear the birds starting their soft night songs, and so very faintly a woman singing in Greek.
My entire body relaxed. I knew instinctively this was an important moment. I knew that I would remember it for as long as I lived. Life could not have been any sweeter or more perfect in that space of time. It was a place of absolute clarity, so I listened, and set in motion that which would change my life forever.
“Everyone has a soul that is unique, individual, and precious. No matter what the consequences, don’t lose your soul to another.”
It was so simple, so completely to the point. It left no room for debate or reasoning. I knew in that moment it was time to leave Matt. Our souls were not matched for each other. I didn’t feel sad at all. I felt an incredible sense of hope and faith. I realized that not only did I not need him, I didn’t need anyone. It had happened so quickly, but it felt like I had been sitting there for hours.
Matt had come down the beach finally to join me for the last strains of the sunset. I looked over at him silently and thought back over our three years together. I remembered how excited we were when we met each other. We had only known each other a handful of months when he proposed. We were happy, for a little while. Then we realized we didn’t really even know each other. Like every marriage there were the ups and downs, but I think at some point we both must have realized that we were on some level fundamentally wrong together. We strongly believed in the concept of marriage though, so we tried to make it work. But it became like a six-year old trying to jam two pieces of a puzzle together that do not belong. Eventually, it was just broken. We could barely speak anymore. I was tired of hearing the bitterness in his voice over life. He was someone who simply didn’t want to be happy, and I did.
Looking at him now though, I no longer felt the gnawing frustration and resentment that had been my almost constant companion for the last year. His face was resigned, sad. I could feel his sense of failure. He already knew I was gone; I was lost to him. It had only been a matter of my mind catching up to what my soul already knew. It was done and I had experienced the greatest sense of freedom and peace I had ever known. The sun finally dropped below the horizon on the water. Everything took on the shades of twilight, and the wind started to pick up. I don’t have the words to explain how within one instant everything can be so vibrantly alive, yet surreal and softly out of focus at the same time. I took Matt’s hand and we walked back to the car.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

in another world...

so, today i spent the afternoon with my ex. not just any ex-but THE ex. we all have one...i went over there to get some stuff off the internet for school. i was sure he would help me. its his nature, he would give a stranger the shirt off his back AND buy him lunch. it was cool to spend a little time with him. i dont MISS him anymore, but i feel his absence when we havnt talked for awhile. the nice thing is we have been apart long enough to be around each other painlessly, the only sad thing is being around him always makes me think of an alternate life that couldve been. i cant say he is perfect because no one is, but im not convinced that there is anyone in this world who could be more right for me than him. and im positive that there is no one better for him than me (hahaha)(of course)
but really, the thought that comes to mind is "the thing that fits you perfectly."
i looked around his house and was flooded with thoughts. (we were going to buy a house together.) he has made a lot of improvements to it. (we would have made it a home.) ect, ect. his dog remembers me. (i was there when he got her, she rode home in my car.) he knows me so well, there is so much comfort. it always feels with him like we have never been apart. i would like to believe it cant be like that for him with every other girl. i live on veggies and frozen food-he feeds me steak. its a fact, as well as an interesting analogy. there was a time if you wouldve asked me-"is he the one, will you be with him forever?"- i wouldve answered-not a doubt in my mind. which is probably why it was so shocking and devastating when we split. we really had no problems at all (well, except that itty, bitty commitment thing) but really, we were happy. i was in love. i think he was as in love as he could be. he just wasnt ready. i can handle that now, i understand. but, we just fit together, we had this comfort, understanding-(that strangely has seemed to increase after being apart.) that "passion" thing always seemed fake to me. it fades. if you are making this lifetime promise to someone it has to be based on more than that. what i felt is this man is my best friend, this is the man who i want to have kids with someday. this is the man i want to take care of for life. and the thing is-i really believe he wants that too. just not yet. chalk it up to bad timing, maybe? but how is it i have never felt so at home with anyone else? part of me wants to ask him-are you happy? alone, or in meaningless situations? is this really what you want? but, i will never pursue him. the only way i would ever know it was truly what he wanted is if he came to me, ready. i dont want him back in my life in any real way until he is really ready to be here. i can still love him, but be smart. is it normal that you can feel like you have truly moved on, and you are fine with it all yet still believe somehow its meant to be, that you belong with someone?
his aura is gold. his heart is beautiful. he will be a wonderful father and husband to someone, someday. in another world he would be mine.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

happy girl

so, hooray! a happy post!!! (trust me-this wont get dark, i promise.) today was really a great day. and i needed it! first, i really thought i owed money to the irs but in a sweet twist of fate, oh no-they owe me. then my first english paper that has been hovering over my head like a virus somehow just flowed out of me. its a personal experience paper and i chose to write about when i was in greece and deciding to divorce m. it came out really good i think. maybe i will post it on here some time for the hell of it. i weave a picture...
then i took my first test in med. terminology and aced it. it really gave me a boost i needed to not feel like im crazy for trying this.
and in a happy turn of events the universe bitch-slapped jess (it was funny, im not being mean) and gave me an interesting suprise. so, jess is saying i should maybe consider not being at the bar so much since sweet man and i are just friends now. and we are going back and forth a bit, and she says "well, you're not going to meet anyone here." and it wasnt ten minutes before someone very special walked in. last august jess and i went to a show and behind me a i heard this guy laugh and it turned me around, literally. and attatched to that laugh is someone i can only describe as my idea of wonderful man. i was really interested in him, but he was busy doing stuff and i never got a chance to talk to him. (well, i acually tried at one point vaguely, but he was distracted.) i had no idea he was with the band! so now its been months and this guy walks in. he looks familiar but i cant place him. jess gives me the look. we know each other so well-she has spotted "my type of man" and she knows it. i get a little rush, and after a bit we are all talking. then we all figure it out. he is very cool!!! and i honestly dont give a shit that he is in a band-its just that great laugh. i would bet money he has scottish heritage, i feel it. in any case, i would also bet money he has a girl so, what can you do? but, it was nice. it was like the universe telling us-dont lose faith, dont assume. i needed to be reminded of that. i have also gotten very logical about what i want. my crap over sweet man isnt about him. its about being lonely and thats it. and that is not a good enough reason to attatch myself to someone else. i want a partner in crime, real love and i know its out there. i can wait for it. i am fine on my own. i will be happy forever. my words will be beautiful, ect. (and even when they are ugly they will still be honest.)

 Posted by Hello